Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Nature or Characteristic Features of Teaching

The characteristic features of teaching include the following:

  1. It has different levels of teaching.
  2. It takes place in a dynamic environment.
  3. It is closely related to education, learning, instruction, and training.
  4. It is essentially an intellectual activity.
  5. It is an art as well as science.
  6. It tends towards self-organization.
  7. It is a social service.
  8. It includes lengthy period of study and training.
  9. It has high degree of autonomy.
  10. It is a continuous process.
  11. Teaching is a profession.

Different Levels of Teaching

Teaching takes place at three different levels -  

  1. Memory level of teaching
  2. understanding level of teaching and
  3.  reflective level of teaching.

Memory Level of Teaching (MLT)

  • the main proponent of memory level of teaching is Herbart. 
  • It is the initial stage of teaching.
  • It induces the habit of rote memorization of facts and bites of information.
  • The teaching–learning process is basically ‘Stimulus–Response’ (S–R) here.
  • It enables the learner to retain and also to reproduce the learnt material whenever required.
  • The evaluation systems are oral, written, and essay-type examination.
  • Good memory includes rapidity in learning, stability of retention, rapidity in recalling, and ability to bring only desirable contents to the conscious level.

Understanding Level of Teaching (ULT)

  • Morrison is the main proponent of understanding level of teaching.
  • It is ‘memory plus insight’ as it goes beyond just memorizing of facts. It focuses on mastery of the subject.
  • It makes pupils understand the generalizations, principles, and facts.
  • It provides more and more opportunities for the students to develop the ‘intellectual behavior’.
  • It provides active role for both the pupil and the teacher for the assimilation of facts
  • The evaluation systems are both essay and objective-type questions.

Reflective Level of Teaching (RLT)

  • Hunt is the main proponent of reflective level of teaching.
  • It is the highest level of teaching and includes both Understanding Level of Teaching  and Memory Level of Teaching.
  • It is problem-centric approach of teaching..
  • Classroom environment is to be open and independent. The learners are motivated and active.
  • The aim is to develop the reflective power of learners so that they can solve problems of their lives by reasoning, logic, and imagination, and lead successful and happy lives.
  • Primary place occupied by pupil and the and the teacher is in secondary place
  • Essay-type test is used for evaluation. Attitude, belief, and involvement are also evaluated.

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